Aso - Techniques To Do Seo For Apps
Apps Digital Marketing SEO

Aso: Techniques To Do SEO For Apps

As SEO for mobile applications is a process in constant change as it happens with SEO , it is necessary to update and complement the content from time to time. Surely these new aspects, tricks and additions will be of great interest to you.

ASO positioning, what is it?


In order to carry out an ASO App positioning guide, you must first understand what ASO is. A simple explanation would be the following:

“ASO is SEO for mobile applications.”

Another more complete definition for those who do not know what SEO is could be:

“ASO is the SEO positioning for mobile applications in the App Store and Play Store so that the first ones appear for certain searches.”

Having seen this, the next thing to analyze is those elements of a SEO positioning strategy for mobile applications  that most affect the order in which the results are shown in the application marketplace. The analysis of these elements and their correct use will undoubtedly improve our ASO Marketing strategy .

What aspects influence SEO for mobile applications?

1. Number of App downloads: Popularity

As in SEO positioning with the number of visits, the number of downloads will be a determining factor in the positioning of an application and one of the most important aspects to consider in an ASO Marketing strategy in the marketplace .

The higher the number of downloads, the better position we will have in the App stores. It is a good way for users to find you, since in many cases the App Store have search categories / filters for the most downloaded or most popular Apps.

To achieve the first downloads, vital for the start of any App project and that the search engines have information with which to start working and indexing, it is essential to use various ways of attracting users such as:

  • Management of profiles in Social Networks and publication of promotional announcements of the App from these.
  • Websites for downloading applications and software for Android such as:
    • ApkmaniaXL 
    • ApkmaniaFull
    • AndroidFreeDownload 
    • FileCrop
    • PandaApp 
    • Apkure
  • In App Advertising: There are platforms like Admob and Tappx to promote your application in other related Apps.
  • Use recommendation and download applications from other paid applications for free and also as download platforms for Android.
    • Aptoid
    • Blackmart
    • 4shared
  • Use special applications such as gift cards for example from the Google Play Store or money in Paypal. The best known are the following:
    • FreeMyApps
    • Slide
    • FeaturePoints
    • AppBounty
    • AppNana
    • Cash For Apps
    • Apptentive
    • Appbot
  • Collaborations with influencers through intermediation platforms such as:
    • Coobis
    • Blog on brands
    • Brantube 
    • SocialPubli 
    • Niche
    • Publisuites
  • Payment by prescription in recognized media in the sector:
    • Apploide : Recognized medium about Apps
    • AppsFlyer:  advertising and web marketing partner with its own advertising network.
    • Andro4all :  a fairly well-known medium about the App world.
    • ElAndroideLibre :  well-known medium about the App world.
    • TheAppDate : well-known medium about the App world.
  • You can also carry out a search and action management process in other applications based on gamification strategies to get downloads through them in exchange for points for that App or any other benefit for the user, the amount of which will be the will have to be faced. In other words, get application downloads through other Apps that suggest them to us in exchange for points in them. That is, the classic dating or game applications which function with gamification systems and have a strong acceptance by users, who perform all kinds of actions from it in order to get new advantages in that App.
  • Launch of the App in different languages ​​in order to reach more markets and achieve a greater volume of downloads, as long as it is a potential market for it, since the fact of getting downloads to get them, can be counterproductive if there is a subsequent huge uninstall ratio.
  • Advertising on Google Adwords for both the search network , such as network display applications (universal) and videos on Youtube.
  • Publication of the application in different marketplaces depending on the type of application, country or geographical area where you want to launch:

The number of downloads is a piece of information that alone can encourage users to download the application. On the contrary, it will always be necessary to take into account that if the number of uninstalls increases, your App will lose its position and will begin to decrease. In fact, this is a topic that we discuss below as one of the most important aspects to consider in a SEO strategy for mobile applications .

An aspect to take into account in this regard and which has not been taken into account for a long time except for the application’s monetization strategy is the way it is distributed. That is, if the App will be paid or free. That will be an element that will have to be thought about previously, since there are fewer and fewer paid apps and the user generally prefers free since there are many alternatives on the market without having to pay money. Although it should also be borne in mind that if you offer a unique service and the App is completely different from what is being developed in this niche, you can consider the option of offering it for free. Every case is a world.

2. Momentum: Stability of the KPIS of the App

It is very important to maintain the momentum or trend of the application throughout the first month to secure it in the SERP’s and in the different rankings / categories by which it may appear in the marketplace.
For this, it is important to continue achieving, increasing and / or maintaining the levels of:

  • Interaction and Feedback from users: Reviews, comments and Ratings, to be shared on social networks. In this sense, internal actions can be carried out such as survey forms in which the user is encouraged to leave their positive review or value the App through some type of gift (free points, unlocking a freemium option …)
  • App downloads.
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For this reason, it is imperative to take into account the last month of the application’s life (that is, the last 30 days) since it will be with the data and information collected during this period that the search engine will work to position the application. .
A tip in this regard, is that it is not only useful to spend a lot on advertising at the beginning as it happens with a website to make it known and generate the first visits or during the launch of the App if this investment is not going to be maintained in the time, since at the ASO level , the results will surely worsen. In addition, Google (Adwords) , in the case of Android, lives off this advertising and generally treats those who pay the most.

3. Frequency and time of use of the App

The frequency and time of use by the user are very important KPIS for ASO Marketing. For its management and improvement it is necessary:

  • Review all kinds of statistics on ASO tools and tools and web analytics such as Semrush , Analytics …
  • Manage interactions and comments in search of possible problems and their improvement.
  • Carry out a list of errors where your can see all the problems that may arise and thus have a history of the application for possible future changes and prevention of possible problems.
  • Optimize the weight and loading speed of the application as much as possible.
  • Use of Push notifications to improve the return, branding , engagement and loyalty of users.
  • Carry out regular updates of the App but taking into account minimum limits so as not to harm the user experience.

4. Number of App Uninstallations

This is another decisive aspect for the ASO App since uninstalls count more than the installations themselves. That is, it is more important to get few users and retain them because they are really interested in the App than to get many downloads and have a wild uninstall ratio.
This is because the higher the number of uninstalls that occur, the worse it will be considered by the search engines of the application stores. That is, if an application is uninstalled many times in a short time, search engines will understand that the App does not work, does not fulfill the functions it offers, or does not like. This entails a penalty at the ASO App level, which will result in a decrease in positions and even the practical disappearance of the SERP application.

To prevent users from uninstalling the application, a series of actions can be carried out, among which we can highlight the following:

  • Review all interactions carried out by users on social networks both externally and internally to the App, in order to detect possible failures and points for improvement.
  • Test and check the possible faults and in such case, solve them in order to offer a good user experience at all times. Oddly enough, the user is increasingly demanding and the small details count a lot.
  • Improve loading speed and optimize weight as much as possible, as this is usually one of the main reasons for uninstalling applications.
  • Carry out all kinds of internal actions to achieve user loyalty such as promotions, discounts and special offers to those users who have been using the App for some time.
  • Use of feedback services to prevent possible uninstallations, extract information on the causes that caused them and redirect users to other applications that may be useful, such as Quicktapsurvey or the old service of to create interactive forms currently acquired by Bridge . As we find more tools of this type, we will include them in this mega guide (if you have any recommendations, do not hesitate to leave your comment below). This class of forms-based actions allow us to ask why the user uninstalls the application, redirect them to another application that we are also interested in promoting …

    SEO for mobile applications App On Site or ASO Internal App: How to do it step by step?

    1. Title or Title of the App

    Any SEO positioning strategy for mobile applications should consider creating an attractive title for the App (that contains a Keyword or refers to something that has to do with the function for which the App was created, if possible) that It is easy to remember and unlike any other App so that it is easy to identify by users.

    The Play Store allows up to 255 characters in this field, while the App Store places a limit of 30 characters in it. This is something that must be taken into account in order for the App to have the same name, both in one and another system, and which clearly reflects the need for a short and concise name.

    2. App icon

    Create a striking and distinctive App Icon that is easy to remember and recognize by any user. To do this, you can carry out different color tests and analyze their impact using A / B Test and the recommendations obtained from professionals, close people and opinion polls.

    3. Structure and Design of the App

    This is a more specific aspect of App development, but it is closely linked to ASO, since if a good product is offered (that is, the quality of what we offer is adequate), the user will meet their expectations and will not uninstall the application. . Paying special attention to the design and structure of the App since an application with an appearance that is too overloaded with functions (an application must be simple and easy to use) or too simplistic can lead to the failure of the App if users are not attracted to the same and the features it offers (the interface, the functions, the colors, etc.) It is also something that we will surely show in the ScreenShots images or screenshots to promote the App.

    4. Category of the App

    You should always categorize the App in the different App Store where applicable, that is, if your App is an action or adventure game, you will have to tag it in that specific section. This is very important since depending on the chosen category and that best suits the characteristics of the App, there will be more or less competition and a greater or lesser volume of downloads. It is not the same to position an app based on gamification as a game than as a social network, since each category will have its own intrinsic aspects that will have to be assessed in advance.

    5. Keywords research for the App: Keywords and Longtail 

    Study of keywords and complementary words that are related to the function for which the App was developed and thus position it. All possible Keyword must be introduced (without exaggerating either) in the contents of the App, whether they are Metadata such as the title and descriptions, or in the official website of the application.

    6. Description of the App

    The description or detail on the search page of the application in the App Store is very important for promotion and positioning since it is one of the first things that the user will see when finding it and it is an opportunity to include Keywords and Longtail for help position the App. This is especially important for the Google Play Store, since it is taken into account in the ASO App positioning, something that does not happen the same in iOS.

    It must be a dynamic and catchy text of a short length, that is easy to understand and that transmits all the characteristics and differential factors that your App offers, compared to those of the competition.

    7. App Developer

    For the ASO positioning, it is very good that the App developer has been registered or registered as an application developer for the Apple Store and / or Google Play Store for some time and that he has made other Apps previously, that is, that he has experience recognized by these platforms .

    This is due to the fact that the App Store or App Stores value developers who they have been working with for longer, than new ones, and this can be a fairly competitive advantage, especially in new segments in the App market.

    8. ScreenShots of the App

    Include ScreenShots in the search page of your application within the App Store showing the App inside (its functions and characteristics) and recurring and striking content that can differentiate it from the competition. This is a very important aspect and one that must always be carried out. A very good web tool to create ScreenShots is Appure .

    9. Promotional Video of the App

    It is a format that is increasingly gaining strength and presence in the promotion of applications. And it is a format that allows to publicize the tool, show its use, and generate confidence in the user for its possible download in a clear and easy to understand for them.

SEO for mobile applications App Off Site or ASO External App: How to do it step by step?

✅ Management of reviews in the App

Getting good reviews, comments and ratings from users from the beginning is essential for the ASO App , since it is something that almost everyone notices when downloading an App and search engines have it very much in mind. If there are negative comments, it is an opportunity to improve the aspects in which your App may fail and demonstrate to the user the level of involvement with the service provided (improvement of the UX ). Ideally, there should be as many positive reviews as possible to increase their average value.

✅ Landing Page or official Website of the App 

Creating a web page for your App will undoubtedly boost the number of downloads and help to make it known among a greater number of people, since it will allow you to:

  • Carry out marketing actions such as Content Marketing (to do branding, improve trust and attract new users and enhance the positioning of the web), Email Marketing (development of databases through subscription and mass sending of newsletters and emails commercial …), link building to position the web and get more traffic … In short, use the web as a platform for promoting the App.
  • Offer the same functions as the application (such as Whatsapp), that is, a web tool that offers the same possibilities as in its mobile version.

✅ Social Networks

This is a fundamental point to promote your App, both when you have just launched the App, and when you want to increase the number of downloads that occur in it if you previously published it, that is, if you already had it. Social networks by themselves are not an ASO App factor, just as they are not for SEO, but these downloads and dissemination make the wheel begin to turn. The traffic comes from where it comes, it helps to improve the positioning, reason why it is a very aspect to take into account in the External ASO App.

It is important to highlight the use of Google Plus for the promotion of Apps on Google Play , since it is very good for disseminating the App and will significantly help its positioning. Being a social network of the company itself, it is best valued by this marketplace, thus transferring authority and influence to the application.

The more +1 the App has in Google Plus, the better the positioning, so it is very important to work on this aspect of the strategy.

✅ Paid Advertising

To sponsor your App, you can always pay Google Adwords to position yourself in the first positions on the first page of Google with your ads and place advertising banners for your App on other websites or with SearchAds , Admob or Tappx  for ads and In App advertising. , among other multiple options previously described.

SEO positioning for mobile applications and promotion: In App Advertising Types

One aspect of any App development project and its SEO strategy for mobile applications is how to monetize it, since, through this channel, you can get different sources of income and they are also very specific forms of advertising for the App that you should know about. to promote it. Therefore, below I present the two basic types of In App advertising to monetize and promote App projects:

Ad️ Banner Ad

They work through the cost per click and conversion system, per print or flat rate (recurring charges for a specific period of time). Its main feature is that they fill a small space within the App. This can be seen as a positive aspect, since it does not completely interrupt the user experience (UX), but it also has its negative part. Being small and viewed from mobile devices (which already have quite small screens) they will look worse than other ad formats.

➡️ Interstitial Ad or Modal Ads

This type of ad for App uses the same monetization formats as Banner Ad. Its fundamental characteristic is that they occupy the screen of the device completely (they are more profitable and cause a greater impact, but they are more annoying to the user).

Within these types of ads we can highlight the following monetization strategy for your App:

The monetization by Affiliation for the sale of products of other companies from your App with links from the banners, although you can also create an App for your e-commerce or a guide or directory within the application with the function of offering products from other companies and sell them acting as an intermediary.

Also say, that these ads can be native. Native In App Ads integrate with the content and context for which the App was created with the goal of creating a better and more satisfying user experience (UX) without interruptions or annoying setbacks for the user.

This is achieved by combining the ads between the content displayed on the App (always informed that it is advertising). In this way, the use and the user experience are not interrupted.

This type of ad is used by social networks. Examples of this are Facebook and Twitter.

Positioning strategies to monetize your App

▶ ️ Positioning Strategy ASO In App Purchase for advertising

It consists of offering the App for free and monetizing it through advertising in the App both from other Apps and from any other type of product or service that has to do logically with the reason for which the App was created.

▶ ️ Positioning Strategy ASO In App Purchase Freemium

It consists of offering the App for free and then charging for certain services, new functions and levels (games), Premium version … within the App. It is the most widely used strategy now and can be divided into different types according to the limitations that are imposed for the same:

  • In App Purchase for content (offer extra content that the free version does not have)
  • In App Purchase for functionality (offer new functions that the free version does not have)
  • In App Purchase by service (offer new services that the free version did not have)
  • In App Purchase by subscription (it is rare to see, it usually occurs in specialized magazine apps for professionals and things like that, since it involves a periodic cost to users and that is something rare today, that everyone wants to download all free).

▶ ️ ASO Positioning Strategy for Sponsored Apps

It consists of selling your App to a company (that is, anticipating the needs of a company that is going to develop an advertising campaign and selling the App to them) or creating a sponsored App on request. Rare is the occasion when the function of your application coincides with the needs and specifications of a company that will promote its products and / or services through an App (although who knows, it can always be the case).

▶ ️ ASO Positioning Strategy on Database Management

Good database management (direct and indirect monetization of the data obtained with the App) can lead to opportunities for improvement in the App, investment, sale of the studies, measurements and analyzes that you carry out (when you have a certain volume of users).

▶ ️ Positioning Strategy ASO Premium or Payment

The user pays a certain amount to download the App. It is the most direct source of income to monetize your App , but it is increasingly in disuse, since most users prefer to download an App for free rather than paying, except that this offers them some differential advantage that makes them worth the outlay.

This type of App is usually given more for iOS than for Android, since users of the first operating system are more used to paying for the App.

App Promotion and SEO Positioning for mobile applications

For a correct positioning of the ASO App and a good promotion of your App, it must be taken into account that each App Store has its own requirements and limitations, so it is good to see what each one requires in its respective Guides:

If you need more information to carry out the ASO App positioning of your project, do not hesitate to contact us to answer your questions. We will advise you without obligation.

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