Blogging Digital Marketing

A Starter’s Guide to Using Guest Blogging for Link Building

With millions of websites on the internet, every website owner struggles to find a top-ranking position in the search engine. It is because the Google algorithm considers different factors before ranking a website. For this reason, site owners must follow SEO guidelines and strategies to optimize their web pages and improve rankings. However, SEO strategies do not restrict themselves to keywords and high-quality content only.

One of the most effective methods to increase a website’s ranking on the search engine is link-building. Link-building refers to a white hat SEO process through which a website can acquire backlinks from articles and blogs to your website to increase web traffic and strengthen its credibility. There are various link-building methods, including but not limited to link reclamation, guest blogging, and broken link strategy.

So are you looking for a guide to help you with guest blogging? Well, you have just come to the right place. The article will help you learn the basics of guest blogging so you can start off the right foot. But, before you learn how to use guest blogging for effective link-building, let’s first understand what exactly guest blogging is?

Simply put, guest blogging refers to posting your blog post to another person’s blog as a guest. It will help you boost your web traffic, build relationships, improve authority, and increase brand awareness. Through guest blogging, you can gain a larger audience and earn quality backlinks to your website.

Moreover, suppose if you struggle to get high-quality and credible backlinks, you can search for link building companies in USA to improve your link profile. So without further ado, let’s dive into the ways you can adopt to make your guest blogging as efficient as possible:



First things first, you need to determine why you need guest blogging in the first place. Next, jot down what you will achieve from guest blogging. Your objectives will give you the motivation and right energy to create content and achieve your goals. That way, you can also find the relevant websites where you can submit your guest posts. Use keywords to find guest posting opportunities. For instance, search for “write for us,” “become a contributor,” “guest post,” etc., in Google to find relevant websites. However, be mindful; you must know that not all blogging websites have the same domain authority. Nor does all the blogging sites will align with your guest blogging goals. So make sure you find the relevant website in your niche that may accept your guest blog.


Once you have made a list of websites that accept the guest post, you need to take the next step – brainstorm topic ideas. Answer this. What would you do if the blog owner asked you to send your blog right away? That is why it is crucial to be prepared with ideas and content.

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Have a list of topics available and keep them industry-relevant. A pro tip is to conduct internet research using online tools to find a trending or popular idea for your content. You can also use social media to learn about topics most users are interested in and curate your content accordingly.


Your next step is outreach—talk to the blog owners. You can do so by looking into the contact us page and finding the email address. While this might look like a cakewalk, the real challenge is to stand out in the pool of other candidates. Undoubtedly, there would be a sea of guest post applications each day for website or blog owners. So don’t just write a plain and straightforward pitch and expect blog owners to show interest in your guest blog.

Instead, craft an attention-grabbing email that gives all the reasons for blog owners to accept your pitch. In addition, make sure to keep your pitch short and personalized. Finally, don’t forget to start your pitch by introducing yourself.


So you found the relevant guest blogging sites and created a perfect pitch, which got accepted. The question is, what’s next? Here comes the challenging part – paying attention to the content of your blog. The content of your blog can make or break your entire guest blogging strategy. Keep in mind; guest blogging is a way to entice your readers to come to your website and take any action. So make sure to create content that is fresh and offers value to your readers. Don’t forget to add links of the web pages where you want your readers to land to drive more traffic to your site.


The last thing you need is to submit your guest blog without even proofreading. Reread your content to make sure what you are submitting is suitable for the audience. Make sure your guest blog follows all the guidelines issued by the blog owner for guest posting. Does your target website want you to submit your blog in a word document with pictures attached in the email? Or is there any other specific method explained? Don’t forget to add relevant citations and back your facts with credible sources.

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If you’re unsure about the content quality, a good practice is to look at other guest posts on the site you are posting and structure your blog accordingly.


The final step is to keep an eye on your guest blog posts. After all, what’s the point of investing your time and energy in something you aren’t even measuring. Therefore, make sure to utilize analytics tools to track the progress. For example, see how many people visit your webpage, how many shares are there on social media platforms, or if there’s an increase in overall traffic and activity on your website. This will help you learn whether your guest blogging is helping you achieve your goals or not. You can also fine-tune your guest posting strategy after a thorough evaluation.


Despite the controversies around it, guest blogging isn’t dead yet and continues to be one of the most effective methods to earn quality backlinks. However, it would be best not to put all your effort into guest blogging only to acquire links. Guest blogging has many other benefits, too. For example, you can increase your audience,


reach and build authority in your niche.

Moreover, keep in mind; you can’t expect results from guest blogging overnight. It is a slow, gradual process. Therefore, it would help if you remained consistent with your efforts to reap the benefits of guest blogging.

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